Scores for seventeen of them were telegraphed to the State G.A.A. Eighteen girls were chosen to shoot baskets from the eight different positions on the floor. Twice a week the girls have spent an hour in practice shooting. girls were preparing for the State Telegraphic Basket Shooting Contest of March 18. Jennings, Chicago IL and Watertown WI and R.M. The teachers who are spending their vacations out of town are Misses Edna Behnke, Davenport IA Elizabeth Bryhan, Lancaster WI Winifred Goudy, Cedar Rapids IA Margaret Graham, Chicago and Abingdon IL Florence Kriegsman, Pekin IL Inez Remmers, Dixon IL Messrs. It's Spring! School opens again Monday, April 1. The last vacation during the year begins tomorrow evening. SPRING VACATION EXTEND FROM MARCH 22 to APRIL 1Įight Faculty Members to Visit Families and Friends Out of Town Students appreciated the reasonable admission price. There are also several unknowns who have yet to prove themselves but who will help to swell the total points earned, and add honors to the athletical conquests of past years.Ībout 120 students attended the special 3 o'clock matinee "David Copperfield" Monday March 11 at the Sterling Theater. "Dobby" Robinson will try to last out the mile and half mile with "Chicken" Beggs chasing him to a fast finish. Jiggs ought to let go of the shot for 40 feet or more. "Jiggs" Fairfax with the aid of "Tiny" Boze will be able to bring points to the R.F. "Skinny" Pfundstein will attempt to pole himself to a 10 foot height "Buck" Swanson will push "Skinny" up as much as he can. "Freddie" Rick will also try to get as close to heaven as he can by his own power. He will also be ready to throw the discus. "Stoky" Fisher will probably be able to lift his torso from 5' 6" to 5' 10" off of terra firma without artificial aid and to leave from 17 to 20 feet of burned sand behind him. He should be among the first to arrive home in the century streak and will be available for the weights and jumps in the contests with Lyons, Sterling, and Dixon. However, "Ga-Ga" Geiger will be able to hurdle both high and low obstacles in his path to victory at a fast clip. Dual meets will also be difficult to cop. Because of the loss of several of last year's stellarites it should be a hard battle to retain the conference championship. Track prospects although not too bright have possibilities. Spring is here and the "young man's fancy turns to love" - so the poets say - but his thoughts also turn to the cinder track and he will soon be out conditioning himself. Freshmen Winona Bethard, Clarence Bohms, Katherine Eldrekamp, Leta Frankfother, Evelyn Hardt, Harris Herrity, Mary Howard, Dora McConnell, Robert McFalls, Wayne Sands, Leo Traister, Virginia Wallace, Lois Wallingford, Dorrine Warner, Clarence Werland. Sophomores Lynn Boze, Verna Bruns, Ethel Cantlin, Evelyn Howe, Hazel Keefer, Joyce Kennedy, Alice Reap, Melvin Roth, LaDonna Stone, Charles Swanson, Freeman Traister. Juniors Josephine Bellson, Blanche Connolly, Harry Fieldhouse, Kathleen Hayward, Genevieve McCarthy, Lydia Swanson. Honorable Mention: - Seniors Edward Bohms, June Deem, Fern Dietz, Roy Fisher, Lloyd Geiger, Stanley, George James Gribbins, Lita Partridge, Darrell Ryan, Charlotte Scott, Myrtle Signor. Sophomores Doris McKenna, Leviathan Machaell, Beatrice Sisson, Genevieve Williamson, Freshmen Ardetta Becker, Lucille Bryant, Charlene Cheshier, Joyce Hinds, Ardetta Root, Arbutus Stroup. Juniors Alvelda Bollman, Pauline Cheshier, Marguerite Krenwinkel, Velma Montgomery, Phyllis Mott, Sue Viering.

B group - Seniors Sol Goldfus, Dorothy Mott, Blair Robertson. Freshmen Mildred Bonnell, Elaine Ikonen, Dorothy Janssen, Elmer Mott. Juniors Arman Gaulrapp, Betty Gilmore, Gladys Girardi, Raymond Smith, Sophomores Marion DeLair, Virgil Gash, Lois Partridge. Those on the Honor Roll are: - A - Seniors Christine Buchanan, Helen Cantlin, Audrey Gaulrapp, Lola Gettle, Helen Reese, Louis Rubin, Dorothy Ramsdell. Raymond Smith of the junior class also had grades averaging 95. Helen Reese had the highest scholastic average among the seniors during this six weeks with an average of 95. In the last six weeks period 37 students are on the A and B Honor Rolls - 27% of which are juniors 27% freshmen 27% seniors: 19% sophomores of the 43 students on the Honorable Mention - 35% are freshmen 26% seniors 26% sophomores and 14% juniors. Of the 227 students in school 80 students or 35% of them made the honor list. Ikonen Represent "Sophs" and "Freshies" With 93% Part of the Genealogy Trails History Group

THE ROCK FALLS ARROW School newspaper in Whiteside County, Illinois